
Celebrating World Health Day 2020

world health day

Supporting Nurses and Midwives

On 7th April we celebrate World Health Day; a momentous mark of respect for Nurses and Midwives across the globe, who give their time to keep us all alive and healthy.

Covid-19 has put an incredible strain on healthcare professionals all over the world, including our very own NHS. While most of us are adhering to social distancing and self-isolating, Nurses and Midwives are on the frontline, fighting an invisible enemy and risking their health in the process, to continue delivering a high standard of treatment and care.

All they ask in return is that we help to protect our healthcare systems by adhering to advice to stay home and stop the spread so that cases can be dealt with systematically rather than battling an overwhelming number of cases all at once. It’s actually pretty simple – stay at home.

Still Business as Usual

But it’s not just Covid-19 that healthcare workers are tackling. Every day they work tirelessly to meet the demands of universal health coverage, national targets, maternal care and child health, infectious health, mental health, emergency response, patient safety and people-centred care. These things don’t just stop to make way for international emergencies like the Coronavirus. HCPs have no choice but to take the strain and continue providing a service without buckling under the pressure.

World Health Day 2020

This year’s World Health Day is especially poignant. Not only does it seek to acknowledge the support Nurses and Midwives are providing amidst Covid-19, it seeks to address the daily challenges and pressures in a State of the World’s Nursing Report, with the aim to give a global picture of the challenges. It will include evidence-based planning from the World Health Organisation (the WHO) on improvements, agendas for data collection, research and advocacy.

We Support You

On behalf of Hydratem8, we want to extend a huge thank you to all of our NHS staff and all healthcare professionals across the globe, particularly Nurses and Midwives. We appreciate the incredible work you do, despite whatever catastrophes you are faced with.



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