Customer Stories & Reviews, Hydration Tracker Water Bottle Reviews

Kim Underdown


“If you drink you shrink!” That’s what I remember my weight loss consultant telling me but it’s not only that, my skin has improved, I definitely look younger and I feel amazing! Hydration for the win!! I remember seeing this bottle with a tracker on the side, on social media and I knew I needed one!!! I found out that it was a Hydratem8 tracker bottle and I literally could not have got it in the basket and ordered quick enough!!! When it arrived my husband was instantly jealous and a second was on the way! We have very busy lives; I am a teacher and he is in the military. We need to keep hydrated, as often it’s too easy to forget to drink when working a busy day. The hydratem8 bottle helps us track what we have been drinking each day and the timings encourage us to keep slurping more! After losing a lot of weight it is definitely easy for me to say that ensuring you’re hydrated is a key factor. In the past year I’ve started running. I started the couch to 5km then increased it to the 10km and just kept going, recently completing my first half marathon! In addition, I also do a lot of walking, with Dartmoor on my doorstep it would be a crime not to! I always have my bottle with me when our running or walking, keeping me hydrated! My latest addition is the insulated bottle in baby pink. I love it for my coffees at school. A well known fact as a teacher is that you are so busy, often your coffee goes cold before you have a chance to drink it! Not any more! Mine is piping hot all day! Thanks hydratem8!!! I genuinely love the Hydratem8 products and highly recommend them, off to buy my daughter a bottle too now!

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