
Get Body ‘Beautiful’ for the summer

Hydration is the key to keeping our bodies and cells working internally to promote health and that ‘feel great’ sensation. But as summer and holidays approach, what are you doing to look wonderful on the outside as well as inside your body?

It’s time to break out the open-toed shoes or sandals! But are you concerned how good your nails look on your feet, and for that matter, what condition are the nails on your hands? During those dry and cold winter months, our ‘extremities’ suffer from wearing heavy boots or shoes, gloves and hats to keep warm. Skin dehydration occurs, so it takes a while and some TLC to get yourself back into condition.

No amount of fancy creams or conditioners will cure the root of the problem – only hydration will get to the bottom of the dry and scaly skin, nails that lack lustre, split and break, plus feet that certainly are not up to speed, before you start adding expensive lotions and potions to your daily regime. Yes, of course, there are certain preparations on the market that will provide moisture to skin, hair and nails, but you need to get down to the nitty-gritty and treat the problem at source. Dry and brittle nails and hair will only benefit totally if you hydrate in the right way, before applying any other ‘paid for’ sources. Nothing like a day at the spa, being pampered and cossetted. You feel good, relaxed and happy, but a few days later, dry skin will quickly reoccur. You need to hydrate and eat the right foods to ensure that this is an ongoing process in building a beautiful body.

What about when you are in the sun?

Hopefully for all of us, the summer months bring sunshine and beach holidays, whether in the UK or abroad. If you have prepared your body accordingly, you just need to follow simple steps to avoid dehydration internally and externally. Water intake needs to increase in hot weather as you lose more fluid from your body in the form of perspiration or even upset tummies due to the increase of certain infectious bacteria during extreme temperatures.

During the summer months in particular, water and hydration are key components to ensure the health of your skin, nails and hair. You need to feed your body within with hydrating fluids (particular good, clean and fresh water) in order for your outside appearance to improve. Couple this with hydrating and nourishing foods to include healthy fats, vegetables and fruit, plus sensible exercise, you will have a winning formula. You need to protect your internal and external organs and cells to prevent premature ageing and the combination of hydration, correct nutrition and exercise will certainly bring your health to fruition.

Why is water so important for skin, nails and hair?

Do you want to resemble a scaly lizard or a dried up prune? Of course not. In order to obtain the freshness, flexibility and softness of your skin you simply must consume enough water, over and above anything else. Water also flushes out the toxins in the body that contribute to spotty skin, acne and other skin complaints, as it boosts the blood flow and promotes and stimulates new skin as well as hair follicles and healthy nails. By all means, you can consume supplements such as collagen, or moisture-based creams for hands and feet (conditioners for hair) but these are of no avail if you are dehydrated on a regular basis.

Once you are on the right path for hydration from within, then consider hydration from the outside. Think twice about using oil-based moisturisers and other preparatory creams and nail care – there are many fantastic water-based products on the market, which are hydrating and will not clog the pores of your skin, or cause allergic reactions.

Remember always to shower down after swimming in salt water – salt will play havoc with your skin – also use a water spritzer to rejuvenate your skin after all the dehydrating factors from UV rays and the chlorine or salt in swimming pools.

Keep happy and healthy in the heat, and remember to take water with you wherever you go!

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